
Supreme Court Oral Arguments II: Electric Boogaloo

On October 4, we held two arguments before the Minnesota Supreme Court, addressing the impact that Minnesota's unconstitutional Implied Consent Law will have on the drivers who either refused to submit to blood or urine tests, or agreed to those tests after being threatened with the crime of refusal. We posted a video of the first oral argument earlier -- here's the second one. Read More

Posted on October 17, 2017 by Charles Ramsay

Dusting-Off The Rules of Statutory Interpretation For DWI

Today the Minnesota Supreme Court released a decision that may not have too broad of an overall impact, but is nevertheless interesting. At issue is a narrow set of DWI cases involving "huffing while driving," and whether or not Minnesota's DWI laws currently prohibit the practice. Today the Court decided that issue. Read More

Posted on October 11, 2017 by Daniel Koewler

Ramsay Law Firm At The Minnesota Supreme Court

While Tom Petty has moved on to a better place (and may he rest in peace) his lyrics are going to be with us forever. That includes the old gem "The Waiting Is The Hardest Part." And he was right . . . even if he wasn't exactly talking about "waiting" for a Supreme Court decision. Read More

Posted on October 06, 2017 by Charles Ramsay
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