
Minnesota’s Best DWI Lawyers

We proudly call ourselves “Minnesota’s Best-Trained DWI Lawyers” because we've gone above and beyond to develop our skills to give our clients a real advantage in court. Does that make us Minnesota’s Best DWI Lawyers? Maybe. Read about our training, education and work to decide for yourself. Read More

Posted on September 28, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Unjust Lifetime Driving Ban Imposed on Minnesota Resident

This week the Minnesota Court of Appeals upheld a lifetime driving ban on a Minnesota driver who was convicted of DWI in Wisconsin. What's troubling about this situation is the fact that this driver is also being denied enrollment in the ignition interlock program for life -- something that is not typically permitted by Minnesota law. Read More

Posted on September 25, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Charged with Criminal Vehicular Homicide in Minnesota? What you must know.

In Minnesota, Criminal Vehicular Homicide (CVH) is one of the most difficult types of cases to defend. If someone you care for is being accused of not only driving drunk (or high) but killing someone while behind the wheel, here's what you need to know. Read More

Posted on September 23, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

DWI Vehicle Forfeiture: Why You Need an Expert DWI Lawyer

Getting charged with a DWI is stressful enough, but the trouble doesn’t end there for many. In Minnesota, a DWI charge can lead to vehicle forfeiture, adding another layer of complexity and potential financial loss to an already daunting situation. Read More

Posted on September 18, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Can I Get A DWI When I’m Not Driving?

Minnesota’s laws on Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) go further than just the act of driving -- they also make it a crime to be in “physical control” of a vehicle. This means someone who is not even driving can be charged with a DWI! But is this type of law too broad to be enforceable? Read More

Posted on September 10, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Can I Get A DWI The Morning After Drinking?

As a DWI defense lawyer, I frequently hear from clients who are stunned to find themselves charged with driving while impaired (DWI) the morning after a night of drinking. It's more common than you think. Read More

Posted on September 09, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Why Hiring a Board-Certified DWI Law Specialist is Crucial for Your Case

It rarely makes sense to hire the second best attorney for your case. The level of expertise that comes with board certification is particularly important for individuals with professional licenses, CDL drivers, or those whose driving privileges are critical to their livelihood such as pilots, doctors, and other health care providers, lawyers, those with security clearances), or if you are required to drive for your employment, travel to Canada, etc., the relief and confidence that comes with hi Read More

Posted on September 06, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Essential Skills: Picking a Jury in a DWI Case

One of the most critical phases of a DWI trial is voir dire—jury selection. As Minnesota’s only lawyer Board-Certified in DWI Law by the American Bar Association (not MSBA), frequently consulted by other lawyers, I’m often asked to share my “standard DWI voir dire questions.” However, it’s important to understand that DWI jury selection has no universal, one-size-fits-all questions. The strategy and questions used depend on various factors unique to each case. Read More

Posted on September 04, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

A Little-Known Secret for 1st-Time DWI Arrestees

If you’re a first-time arrestee facing a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge in Minnesota, there’s a crucial detail you should know about that could significantly impact your case. Here's a secret that could help you navigate the legal complexities more effectively - especially if you can't avoid an attorney. Read More

Posted on September 01, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

State Crime Lab's Cover-Up: 2016 Barometer Failure Exposed

You may not know it, but barometric pressure (along with temperature and numerous other variables) has a significant impact on a person's breath alcohol concentration. One other thing you may not know (we just discovered it ourselves) is that the Minnesota BCA was deliberately using a flawed barometer to calibrate it's breath test instruments for years! Read More

Posted on August 29, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota’s Ignition Interlock Program is Not Accurate Enough to Issue Violations in Many Cases

Last week, we told you about a big problem with how Minnesota's Ignition Interlock Program tries to measure breath alcohol. Today, we tell you exactly what's wrong, and how we can help get ignition interlock violations overturned. Read More

Posted on August 27, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Something is Very Wrong With Minnesota’s Ignition Interlock Device Program (IIDP)

Are the private companies charged with providing services to Minnesota's Ignition Interlock Device Program (IIDP) cutting corners to produce unreliable results? Are drivers being penalized for "failing" breath samples on devices that are not actually calibrated to properly determine if a driver even "failed?" Read More

Posted on August 20, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Hospital Blood Draws Are Unreliable in DWI Cases

Your hospital blood draw isn't good enough for a DWI case. Learn crucial differences between medical and forensic blood draws and how they impact your legal defense. Read More

Posted on February 27, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

A Huge Win for Ramsay: The State Must Adjust for Bias

Ramsay Law secured a major victory for a client falsely accused of driving over the legal alcohol limit. Their breath test machine was improperly calibrated, providing inflated results. Ramsay Law leveraged scientific data and expert testimony to prove the machine’s bias. Read More

Posted on February 21, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

The Murky Legality of Breathalyzers in Post-Tanksley Minnesota

Minnesota's DWI laws shifted after the Tanksley decision, allowing unreliable urine alcohol tests for convictions. However, how breathalyzers fit in remains unclear, causing confusion and bias in prosecutions. Read More

Posted on February 19, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Accuracy is Everything: Why You Need a DWI Attorney When Every Breath Counts

Facing a DWI charge? One number can change your life. Ensure its accuracy. Call Ramsay Law. Read More

Posted on February 15, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

The Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Scam

Field sobriety tests, hailed as accurate by studies, actually have a 29% false positive rate. Don't trust the wobble - trust Ramsay Law for your DWI defense. Read More

Posted on January 29, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

How to Beat a Breath Alcohol Test in Minnesota

Breathalyzer bust? Don't overblow! We show you how to beat the Minnesota breath alcohol machine. Read More

Posted on January 22, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Cops Unleash Mini-Volcano During Routine Drug Test, Raising Eyebrows and Roofs

Two Kandiyohi County deputies turned a drug test into a mini-volcano with questionable pyrotechnics and even more questionable decision-making. Is it time for them to ditch the lighter and grab a chemistry textbook? Read More

Posted on January 12, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

State of MN Rolls Out Unscientific Oral Fluid Testing Devices

SoToxa is a new oral fluid testing device used for roadside DWI tests. However, there are serious concerns about its accuracy. Read More

Posted on January 09, 2024 by Charles Ramsay
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