
DWI Vehicle Forfeiture: Why You Need an Expert DWI Lawyer

Getting charged with a DWI is stressful enough, but the trouble doesn’t end there for many. In Minnesota, a DWI charge can lead to vehicle forfeiture, adding another layer of complexity and potential financial loss to an already daunting situation. Read More

Posted on September 18, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

A Little-Known Secret for 1st-Time DWI Arrestees

If you’re a first-time arrestee facing a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge in Minnesota, there’s a crucial detail you should know about that could significantly impact your case. Here's a secret that could help you navigate the legal complexities more effectively - especially if you can't avoid an attorney. Read More

Posted on September 01, 2024 by Charles Ramsay

Legal Pot Sneaks Into Minnesota

How are you going to celebrate your Independence Day? Read More

Posted on July 01, 2022 by Daniel Koewler

Jail Time for First Time DWI: Inflation Strikes Minnesota

For quite some time, only pilots, CDL holders, physicians, international travelers, and those with security clearances had reason to be concerned about the consequences of a first-time DWI arrest. Now, everyone should be worried. Read More

Posted on January 17, 2022 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota Ignition Interlock and Out-of-State DWI?

Our previous blog post discussed situations where a Minnesota driver is charged with a DWI under Wisoncon's DWI laws, and possible challenges to any license revocation. This post discusses the flip side of that scenario -- if you DO lose your Minnesota license due to an out-of-state DWI, can you get back behind the wheel on the ignition interlock program? It's harder than you think. Read More

Posted on December 16, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

Can Minnesota Revoke or Suspend My Driver's License for a Wisconsin OWI?

Wisconsin’s statutory scheme does not conform to Minnesota’s laws, and it appears that license revocations and suspensions arising from Wisconsin’s laws should not be used to suspend or revoke one’s Minnesota license . . . if handled properly both in Wisconsin and in Minnesota. Read More

Posted on December 02, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota Retires Whiskey Plates -- IMMEDIATELY!

Just in time for the Fourth of July, here's some independence to celebrate: Minnesota just eliminated special series "whiskey plates" in almost every circumstance. Read More

Posted on July 02, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

Facing Drug-related DWI Charges? Your Prescription Might Not Matter

Minnesota's Supreme Court recently issued a ruling addressing what the governement does (and does not) have to prove when charging someone with a DWI based upon a driver's use of prescription drugs. And you'd be surprised how easy it can be to be charged with a DWI just for taking your prescription according to your doctors directions. Read More

Posted on April 14, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

Restorative Justice for Minnesota’s Veterans

"Specialty Courts" are becoming less special and more common across Minnesota And the trend is providing a great deal of long-overdue care for our veterans. Read More

Posted on March 03, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

The Cat Filter Hearing and the Right to Confront Your Accusers

The COVID pandemic continues to impact Minnesota's criminal justice system. Sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in ways that may surprise you. As usual, it's up to defense attorneys to make sure their clients don't get thrown under the COVID bus. Read More

Posted on February 26, 2021 by Charles Ramsay

The Ongoing War on Science – Stifling Progress

Good scientific practices can keep us safe, and insure the guilty are punished according to the law. Junk science, however, is what unjustly punishes the innocent and undermines our faith in the judicial system. Today, we're writing about junk science. Read More

Posted on November 19, 2020 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota's DWI Forfeiture Law Found Unconstitutional

Today, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued its decision in Olson v. 1999 Lexus, finding that Minnesota's DWI vehicle forfeiture law was unconstitutional. We've been waiting for this one for a while, and it was worth the wait. Our client gets her vehicle back, and Minnesota's laws just got a little more fair. Here's our reading of the decision. Read More

Posted on March 13, 2019 by Charles Ramsay

Olson Forfeiture Case To Be Released By the Minnesota Supreme Court Wednesday

It's been another long, hard fight for the clients of Ramsay Law Firm, but the finale is in sight -- our years-long war against Minnesota's DWI vehicle forfeiture laws will come to a conclusion this Wednesday, March 13, when the Minnesota Supreme Court issues its long-awaited decision in the Olson case. Read More

Posted on March 11, 2019 by Charles Ramsay

Travel Into Canada With a DWI Conviction Just Got Much Harder

Travel across the border into Canada has always been tricky for anyone with a DWI conviction on their record. Over the years the Canadian government has tightened and loosened their restrictions, leaving a great deal of uncertainty for anyone wanting to travel across the border. Now, those restrictions have been tightened again -- and very strictly at that. Read More

Posted on February 26, 2019 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota DWI - 2018 Year in Review

Our ten-year blog-aversary (we've been practicing criminal defense far longer than 10 years) came and went without much fanfare, but as this year draws to a close we make note of that anniversary now. In our first blog post we said the purpose of the blog was "to share information and promote excellence." We believe we've done that and continue to do so. Read More


Minnesota's New DWI Laws For 2018 Are Now In Effect

August First: not a particularly good date, historically. In 2007, that was the date that the 35W bridge collapsed. On the other hand, in 1981 it was also the date that MTV first aired the Buggles "Video Killed the Radio Star." August 1, 2018, is also a bit of a mixed bag, as a lot of the laws passed in the previous session go into effect. For our purposes, they involve DWIs on boats, snowmobiles, and ATVs. Read More

Posted on August 06, 2018 by Charles Ramsay

Retroactive Refusal Relief: Test Refusal Convictions Thrown Out in North Dakota

Back in 2016, it was cases from Minnesota and North Dakota that, combined into one mega-appeal, led the United States Supreme Court to find DWI test refusal laws were unconstitutional when it came to blood tests. That decision left a big unanswered question: what happens to prior refusal convictions? The North Dakota Supreme Court just said "throw them out." Read More

Posted on June 06, 2018 by Charles Ramsay

Snowmobiling and Boating While Intoxicated Now Causes Loss Of Driver's License in Minnesota

While everyone was talking about Governor Dayton's recent veto of the entire proposed 2018 tax bill, some other bills were signed into law, and slipped under a lot of people's radars. One bill we noticed was a minor change to Minnesota's DWI laws that will have a big impact in the future. Under the new law, if you are convicted of snowmobiling (or boating, or operating an ATV) while intoxicated, you won't just lose your operator privileges, you will lose your actual driver's license. Read More

Posted on May 29, 2018 by Charles Ramsay

Gideon's Trumpet Silenced: Minnesota Supreme Court Issues State v. Hunn

The Minnesota Supreme Court just issued their decision in the Hunn case, the first look at Minnesota's constitutional right to DWI pre-test counsel in decades. Here's what they decided. Read More

Posted on May 16, 2018 by Charles Ramsay

Minnesota Supreme Court Issues Opinions In Morehouse and Johnson

This morning, the Minnesota Supreme Court issued two long awaited decisions regarding the potential Due Process implications for Minnesota's old Implied Consent Advisory. These two opinions provided some answers, raised some additional questions, and left a bit of extra work for the future. Read More

Posted on May 02, 2018 by Daniel Koewler
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