Domestic Assault

Don't Face Domestic Assault Charges Alone

Domestic Assault charges carry a complicated series of immediate and long-term consequences, which is why properly defending a domestic assault charge is so complicated.

Even before you're convicted of anything, a domestic assault arrest can allow a judge to require that you post bail before you can be released from custody. Another order can break up your family, keeping you from contacting your children, your partner, or your spouse. And you can lose your right to possess a firearm. 

The charges against you can vary widely, depending on the facts of your case. If someone claims you touched their throat, you're looking at felony strangulation charges. A claim of a death threat can lead to felony terroristic threats charges. And depending on the degree of claimed injuries, or number of prior convictions, you could be looking at anything from a misdemeanor-level offense up to a felony. 

The consequences can be drastic, which is why you need an attorney who knows how to fight for you to keep you from being convicted. Convictions for domestic assault will haunt you for a lifetime -- the impact on child custody, employment opportunities, professional licenses, immigration status, firearm status, and even your ability to volunteer, can all disappear if you have a conviction for domestic assault. 

DON'T SACRFICE YOUR FUTURE by expecting that our criminal justice system will vindicate your rights. A lot of innocent individuals lost their right to vote, volunteer for their son's Boy Scout Troop, go hunting with their family, and their jobs, because of a wrongful conviction for domestic assault. Please, if you've been charged with domestic assault, give us a call -- it's free, and even if you don't hire us to represent you, at least you'll properly understand the stakes and consequences that come from a domestic assault arrest.  

Awards and Credentials

  • Minnesota 2016 Attorneys of the Year

    Minnesota 2016 Attorneys of the Year

    In 2016, Minnesota Lawyer formally released their list of selections for Attorney of the Year. Both Chuck and Dan were jointly recognized as Attorneys of the Year for their efforts and successes in challenging Minnesota's DWI breath test program, and for their ability to use scientific principles to win cases for their clients.

  • Minnesota 2011 Attorney of the Year

    Minnesota 2011 Attorney of the Year

    In 2011, Minnesota Lawyer announced their Attorneys of the Year for 2011. Chuck was recognized as Attorney of the Year for his pivotal work challenged Minnesota's DWI breath test program for two reasons: his work as member of the Source Code Coalition's Trial Team, and his independent work in federal court forcing the settlement that initially released the source code to Minnesota's fleet of breath test machines.

  • Super Lawyers

    Super Lawyers

    Since 1999, first Chuck and then Dan have been recognized repeatedly as "Super Lawyers," one of the legal field's more prestigious awards. The full "Super Lawyers" designation is reserved for the top 5% of attorneys in a particular practice area (here, DWI defense). The "Super Lawyers Rising Star" designation is reserved for the top 2.5% of attorneys in that field.

  • 10.0 Avvo Rating

    10.0 Avvo Rating

    Avvo is a website that makes an effort to evaluate a lawyer's background, by collecting publicly available information about that attorney and then using a mathematical model to publish a fair and neutral rating of that attorney.

  • MSBA Criminal Law Specialist

    MSBA Criminal Law Specialist

    MSBA Criminal Law Specialist

  • American Academy of Forensic Sciences

    American Academy of Forensic Sciences

    The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. The objectives of the Academy are to promote professionalism, integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.

  • American Chemical Society (ACS-CHAL)

    American Chemical Society (ACS-CHAL)

    Like "poet-warrior" or "philosopher-king", the Chemistry and the Law Division of the American Chemical Society (an organization chartered by Congress with more than 161,000 members) developed the "ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Designation" to recognize attorneys that "use validated and legitimate science for the benefit of justice" and "expose invalid or non-validated science and use valid science in the courtroom." Chuck is the only attorney in Minnesota to have attained this designation.

  • Minnesota CLE Criminal Justice Institute

    Minnesota CLE Criminal Justice Institute

    Chuck and Dan are regularly asked to be presenters at "continuing learning education" seminars (CLE's), which are classes geared towards keeping other attorneys up-to-date with the latest developments in the law. One annual event that they are particularly proud of is the "Criminal Justice Institute," a multi-day event held at the RiverCentre in St. Paul that has been going on for over half a century. Since 2014, Chuck and Dan have presented breakout sessions (and other, more targeted sessions).

  • Minnesota State Bar Association - Criminal Law Section

    Minnesota State Bar Association - Criminal Law Section

    Founded in 1883, the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) is the oldest professional association for attorneys in Minnesota. Dan is a member of the Executive Council for the Criminal Law Section of this long-standing organization, working together with other defense attorneys and prosecutors to draft legislation and write position papers regarding various issues that affect criminal defense in Minnesota.

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