Ramsay Law Firm: A Cut Above The Rest.


Corporate attorneys can make millions of dollars a year. Patent attorneys get to spend all day in their comfortable offices talking with their clients over the phone. And run-of-the-mill defense attorneys get to see a wide variety of cases, from domestic assault to arson to murder.

So why does Ramsay Law Firm deliberately limit itself to DWI defense?


The answer is pretty simple: we're doing what we love. The longer answer starts with our core philosophy and motto "Every DWI Case is Winnable." If you want the full story, check out our full philosophy on DWI defense and why we try so hard to help our clients win their cases. 


After you've seen our approach to DWI defense, you'll have a better appreciation for why we do what we do. Our firm philosophy has led to a long history of changing the law, because sometimes that's what it takes to win a case for a client. Our philosophy is what also drives us to constantly stay on the cutting edge of DWI defense, leading to us educating ourselves in ways that most other defense attorneys don't even consider -- for a sampling of what sets us so far apart from any other firm in Minnesota, check out our credentials and certifications page.


If you want to go even further into what makes us tick, check out our unmatched scientific background, something that is absolutely essential for properly defending a DWI case. Then, take a look at our long list of awards. Each of those awards are a direct result of our core philosophy of helping good people avoid the consquences of what was usually an honest mistake. 


Or, if you want to skip all the reading, just contact us directly. You can use the contact form on our website, or give us a call at 651-604-0000. Either way, we'll provide you with a free consultation where we can explain how the DWI process works, explain how we can help you, and answer any other questions you have. 


  • About Ramsay Law Firm

    Chuck Ramsay and Dan Koewler describe what sets Ramsay Law Firm apart from other Minnesota DWI defense lawyers.

  • Minnesota 2016 Attorneys of the Year

    Minnesota 2016 Attorneys of the Year

    In 2016, Minnesota Lawyer formally released their list of selections for Attorney of the Year. Both Chuck and Dan were jointly recognized as Attorneys of the Year for their efforts and successes in challenging Minnesota's DWI breath test program, and for their ability to use scientific principles to win cases for their clients.

DWI defense that you can trust. Hundreds of satisfied clients chose Ramsay Law Firm since 1995 - contact us and find out why.