Minnesota's Premier Criminal Defense Firm

Decades of results defending our clients and getting results

1 in 7 Minnesotans has a DWI on their record

All of them wish them they didn't

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Nothing Is More Expensive

Than Hiring the Second Best Attorney


Have a Reliable and Qualified Defense Attorney at Your Side

If you have been arrested and charged with Domestic Assault or DWI in Minnesota, chances are you’ll have all sorts of questions floating in your mind. You’ll wonder whether this dilemma will land you in jail or make you lose your job and your license.

Fortunately, you don’t need to face the charges on your own. Ramsay Law Firm PLLC is made up of two highly qualified defense attorneys in Roseville who are ready to assist you in your case, anywhere in Minnesota.

When you hire the attorneys of Ramsay Law Firm, you’re not hiring an ordinary attorney. We've got the expertise and reputation that comes from decades of experience defending our clients.

Great Support Staff

On top of making sure our knowledgeable defense attorneys are by your side, we make our awesome support staff available to you as well. Like our lawyers, our staff are eager to help you with your case. They take the time to respond to your general questions and inquiries.

A Defense Firm Focusing on Getting You Results

What makes us different from other law firms is that we are committed to specific types of criminal defense. We don’t dabble in DWI like a generic criminal defense firm, and we look to get the best results possible for those charged with domestic assault. We focus our attention exclusively on these two types of crimes because we believe that many of the offenders are good individuals who happened to make an honest mistake, or were wrongfully accused. These are the people who were enjoying a celebration (or received bad news), had too much to drink, and perhaps acted out of frustration or necessity.

When they come to us for the first time to seek help with their charge, they tell us that they often regret what they did while fearing the punishment that they’ll face because of their actions. When we provide legal assistance to these individuals, we do our best to win the case. We want to sleep soundly knowing that we helped a good person out of a difficult situation.  

We’re here to give you a helping hand in your case. Give us a call at 651-604-0000 for a free initial consultation.We built our reputation fighting hard for our clients, and our track record proves our commitment to maintaining that reputation.

DWI defense that you can trust. Hundreds of satisfied clients chose Ramsay Law Firm since 1995 - contact us and find out why.
Minnesota DWI Defense Blog

Why Hiring a Board-Certified DWI Law Specialist is Crucial for Your Case

It rarely makes sense to hire the second best attorney for your case. The level of expertise that comes with board certification is particularly important for individuals with professional licenses, CDL drivers, or those whose driving privileges are critical to their livelihood such as pilots, doctors, and other health care providers, lawyers, those with security clearances), or if you are required to drive for your employment, travel to Canada, etc., the relief and confidence that comes with hi

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Essential Skills: Picking a Jury in a DWI Case

One of the most critical phases of a DWI trial is voir dire—jury selection. As Minnesota’s only lawyer Board-Certified in DWI Law by the American Bar Association (not MSBA), frequently consulted by other lawyers, I’m often asked to share my “standard DWI voir dire questions.” However, it’s important to understand that DWI jury selection has no universal, one-size-fits-all questions. The strategy and questions used depend on various factors unique to each case.

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A Little-Known Secret for 1st-Time DWI Arrestees

If you’re a first-time arrestee facing a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charge in Minnesota, there’s a crucial detail you should know about that could significantly impact your case. Here's a secret that could help you navigate the legal complexities more effectively - especially if you can't avoid an attorney.

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State Crime Lab's Cover-Up: 2016 Barometer Failure Exposed

You may not know it, but barometric pressure (along with temperature and numerous other variables) has a significant impact on a person's breath alcohol concentration. One other thing you may not know (we just discovered it ourselves) is that the Minnesota BCA was deliberately using a flawed barometer to calibrate it's breath test instruments for years!

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Minnesota’s Ignition Interlock Program is Not Accurate Enough to Issue Violations in Many Cases

Last week, we told you about a big problem with how Minnesota's Ignition Interlock Program tries to measure breath alcohol. Today, we tell you exactly what's wrong, and how we can help get ignition interlock violations overturned.

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Something is Very Wrong With Minnesota’s Ignition Interlock Device Program (IIDP)

Are the private companies charged with providing services to Minnesota's Ignition Interlock Device Program (IIDP) cutting corners to produce unreliable results? Are drivers being penalized for "failing" breath samples on devices that are not actually calibrated to properly determine if a driver even "failed?"

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Our Accreditations

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Fluent with the Law. Rooted in Science.

Ramsay Law Firm is changing the future of DWI Defense with science.

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