More Anomalies Found in the State's Breath Alcohol Machine

Posted On June 26, 2023 Charles Ramsay

I continue to find more anomalies with the state’s DMT breath alcohol machine.

Last week, I discovered that a BCA scientist misrepresented the truth in court about how the breath alcohol machine deals with normal substances on a person's breath, like acetone or isopropanol (aka interfering substances).

A state scientist testified that these substances won’t add more than 0.004 to a breath alcohol test.

But when I looked at the manufacturer's documents provided to the state in their Request for Proposal, I found a very different story. I found that normal compounds in breath can add 0.005, in some cases as much as 0.007 at the 0.08 level, and they can add 0.010 at the .16 level! 

This means that people who are under a .08 are being told they are over! Likewise, people who are actually under a .16 are suffering much harsher consequences because the breath test machine erroneously says they are over!

More reasons for source code

I couldn’t help but dig through my document archive to find out if there were any other discrepancies the state might be trying to hide.

What I found was mind-blowing. 🤯

It’s no wonder the state scientists are confused. It seems the manufacturer of the breath machine can’t decide at which level the machine will flag for interfering substances.

In the document from the manufacturer entitled: Interference Threshold / Filter Agreement Summary, it states: 

“If the difference is ≤ the filter agreement threshold (default 0.005) then the sample is said to be free from an interfering substance.”

Yet, just a few paragraphs later, it says:

“What this means is that once the discrepancy between the value at 3.37 and the value at 3.44 x a21 ≥ 0.005, the sample is said to contain an interfering substance.”

Does the machine flag when the filter values reach 0.005 or not? From the above statements, it is not clear.

And there are more discrepancies.

The document also states that for concentrations above 0.100, there is a floating scale for how the machine measures interfering substances. Yet in court, a state scientist testified that the floating scale starts at 0.125.

We need the truth

The only way to find out the truth is to look at the source code. The manufacturer has been wrong in the past about things like the minimum flow rate. 

They trained scientists that it was 3.0L when it was actually 2.87L. Now, I’m finding more discrepancies that need to be resolved.

It’s time for the truth to come out

Will the state resort to its old tricks of deception? 

In the past, the state has sided with a for-profit private company over the interest of science and the public good.

It’s time that we got answers to the mysteries of the state’s breath machine.

If you’ve been a victim of the state’s mysterious guilty box, contact Ramsay Law. We dig deep to uncover the state’s shoddy science.

Daniel Koewler